
Scandal in North Ossetia: Who Leaked the Video of the Regional Head's Son?

23 January 2025, 4:14
Scandal in North Ossetia: Who Leaked the Video of the Regional Head's Son?

A scandal has erupted in North Ossetia following the leak of a video involving the son of the republic's head, Sergey Menyaylo, reportedly orchestrated by the former regional prosecutor, Alexander Morozov, as reported by NewsBox.

The scandal in North Ossetia broke out due to the leak of a video recorded on a police dashcam, showing a dispute between traffic officers and the son of regional head Sergey Menyaylo and his wife. In the recording, the couple is heard expressing indignation at the police's demand to open the trunk, where, according to the officers, prohibited items like counterfeit alcohol could be transported.

Menyaylo's son refuses to comply with the request but is willing to pay the fine for his wife's unbuckled seatbelt.

Although the video was filmed in the summer, it only recently became public. Sources from VCHK-OGPU report that the footage was deleted from police servers and handed over to the head of North Ossetia's Ministry of Internal Affairs, Demyan Laptev. It’s also known that the then prosecutor of the republic, Alexander Morozov, had requested the video for inspection.

The conflict between Menyaylo and Morozov started around the same time as the video was recorded. It concluded recently when Morozov's authority was not renewed, forcing him to leave the region. A few days after his departure, a shortened version of the video showing the Menyaylo family members' emotions surfaced online.

Sergey Menyaylo commented on the situation in his blog, stating that his children are responsible for their actions. He hinted that he knows who might be behind the leak. Sources believe Morozov might have orchestrated this as a means of revenge for the end of his career in the region.

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