Police used electric shocks, assaulted him, and now got him arrested: the full story of the Magomedov case

26-year-old Magomed Magomedov, who became a victim of brutal torture by law enforcement officers, has been placed in pre-trial detention despite his deteriorating health, reports NewsBox.
Magomed Magomedov, who endured severe torture at the Vidnoye police station, remains in custody. The court decided to detain the 26-year-old man despite defense claims that he requires rehabilitation and medical assistance. According to his attorneys, being held in detention is worsening Magomedov's health.
Previously, it was revealed that police officers assaulted Magomedov with a mop and used electric shocks on him. However, the head of the Moscow Region Public Monitoring Commission, Sergey Leonov, noted that no physical injuries necessitating hospitalization were found on the detainee.
The head of Dagestan, Sergey Melikov, warned that external forces might exploit this case to incite provocations and destabilization. The materials on the torture have been handed over to law enforcement for investigation.